“Muqawlat” introduces an integrated solutions package For the construction sector during the Corona epidemic and beyond
The construction industry is set to go for remote working during and after the Corona pandemic to reduce costs and to keep workers’ health and safety. COVID-19 has shown that a lot of the work, which is done in sites, can be done remotely with ease. Video conferencing platforms such as Webex and Zoom have made team meetings much easier.
Many engineers, architects, technologists, and project management personnel have been working from home during the pandemic and it is expected that some will remain working at home for 2020 and 2021.
The impact on the construction and contracting industry has been massive. This is primarily because construction is a practical industry and as construction sites have had to close, a much smaller number of employees have remained at work. Here comes the “Muqwalat” platform to provide all contracting, construction, and all related companies with practical solutions that save time, cost, and employees’ efforts.
Rent and lease machines online: “MUQAWLAT.COM” is making the hard process of renting or leasing heavy equipment so easy. It is the first time in Qatar and the region where you can call heavy, medium, or light machines and equipment on just one click away from any complicated procedures. For the first time, the “MUQAWLAT” platform enables the leasing and renting of a large, medium, and light equipment with a single click and.
Have surplus resources: Recruitment is also set to change. With the “Muqawlat” platform, Say goodbye to all the tiring procedures of recruiting from abroad. Muqawlat platform offers the service of getting it locally just at one click.
Display your products and services online. Where challenges in the industry continue; therefore, companies continue the fight against the effects of the virus. Muqawlat provides your company with a platform to display your products and services on your page.
Augmentation resources: Although work has been stopped or severely reduced due to lockdowns causing problems in IT functioning, do not worry. Muqawlat will provide you with the resources augmentation needed at outsourcing or insourcing base.
Cannot reach clients, the “Muqawlat” platform helps your marketing effectively and inexpensively.
Need partners and alliances to overcome certain projects, the “Muqawlat” platform builds bridges of business relationships and alliances between companies. The members of the contractors’ club gather regularly to network. Together, we are contributing to permanent alliances.
Need to be seen, the “Muqawlat” platform provides you with interactive pages. Allows you to display your news and events; moreover, view all news and events relevant to your business
Corona disturbing your business, the “Muqawlat” platform is your gateway towards building sustainable comfort in the construction world.
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